Sunday, December 29, 2019

Macroeconomic as/Ad Framework - 1687 Words

1) Use the AS/AD framework to show the separate effects on GDP, inflation and public sector borrowing on any single national economy of: a) cut in public spending b) an increase in the rate of VAT (sales tax) c) a slowdown in the GDP growth of less developed economies. (Make sure that you include clear and appropriate diagrams for this question) According to Begg and Ward (2009) fiscal policy is the government’s decisions regarding taxation and spending to influence level of demand for goods and services. Cut in public spending and increase in the rate of VAT are instruments of contractionary fiscal policy in order to slow down economy, reduce inflation and deficit. a) Cut in public spending†¦show more content†¦43.390 5,1 14,8 –7,3 2008. 47.766 2,2 13,2 –8,9 2009. 45.667 –6,0 14,9 –5,0 2010. 45.920 –1,2 17,4 –1,0 2011. 45.923 0 18 –1,0 2012. forecast 45.799 –1,0 18 ,5 0,3 2013. forecast 47.708 1 18,3 0,9 Table 2 Croatian macroeconomic statistical indicators (Croatian National Bank) As a conclusion we can say that contractionary fiscal policy is showing effects on a long run (reduces deficit, and balanced ratio of government spending and revenue), however in short run it is causing recession and increased unemployment. c) Slowdown in the GDP of less developed economies from perspective of exporting country to LDE will lead to the reduction of export (part of aggregate demand) to the LDE country because their output and consumption will be reduced. Consequently expenditure and production in exporting country will be reduced which results in increased unemployment and decreased output. Since government income from taxes has been reduced government will need to increase borrowing in order to cover deficit. Export to LDE is quite unique since such countries are mostly agriculture oriented. According to UNDP most of LDE import is based on basic food stuff (wheat and rice) and projections for 2015 are suggesting that this dependency will continue to increase. Also, according to UNDP export of LDE are heavily dependent on weather conditions which shift LDC country from deficit to surplus situation. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Recommendations on Career Options - 2658 Words

Recommendations on Career Options Dear , Enclosed is a copy of the report Recommendations on Career Options. This report presents information about the two employment opportunities discussed by our client and makes recommendation about the field best suited to the clients profile. The information presented in this report has been gathered from credible sources, ensuring that accurate information is presented to the client. The information sources also help support the recommendations we have made and will help the client to review these recommendations and take a decision based on information presented in this report. For any queries, please contact me at the address or phone number mentioned above. Thank you for reviewing this report. Sincerely, Abstract This report analyses two career options for the client: Network Administrator and Computer Systems Analyst. This report presents the job description, educational qualifications, skills required, remuneration and the scope of growth for each job role. The report also makes a recommendation for the Network Administrator job as best suited to the client, based on the clients background and skills. Table of Contents TOC o 1-2 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc333189722 Introduction PAGEREF _Toc333189722 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc333189723 Purpose, Scope, and Limitations PAGEREF _Toc333189723 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc333189724 Sources and Methods PAGEREF _Toc333189724 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc333189725 ReportShow MoreRelatedEssay on Culinary-Career-Path: A Pastry Chef1161 Words   |  5 Pagesabout baking. First, you’re going to hear about educational requirements and recommendations. Second you’re going to hear about salary ranges and geographic effects and how many hours required each week and what is a typical day like in this career when you reach the career goal. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Culture Of The Renaissance Essay Example For Students

Culture Of The Renaissance Essay The Renaissance was the beginning of political institutions with a commercial economy and the encouragement of education, arts, and music. It was a period of new inventions and believes. Renaissance actually means rebirth. It was first used by a French historian Jules Michelet. Swiss historian Jakob Burckhardt said it was the time period between Italian painters Giotto and Michelangelo. He also said it was the birth of modern humanity after a long period of decay. The Italian Renaissance began in Florence, Milan, and Venice. These cities were created in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries as new commercial developments, which allowed them to expand into mercantile societies that greatly contrast with the traditional society of medieval Europe. Renaissance historians rejected the medieval Christian views of history. They were often known as humanists. Humanism was another cultural break with medieval tradition. Scholars under its ideas viewed classical texts on their own terms instead of Christian justifications. They also wanted to produce free and educated citizens, instead of priests and monks. These humanistic studies were supported by leading families like the Medici of Florence, Papal of Rome and the Doges of Venice. The Renaissance period also made progress in medicine, anatomy, mathematics, and especially astronomy. Geography was transformed by new knowledge gained from explorations. The invention of the printing press was also created, which made knowledge easier to achieve and literacy became more wide spread. Gunpowder transformed warfare. In political subjects Renaissance theorists like Machiavelli said that the central task of government was to maintain security and peace, not preserve liberty and justice. Religion especially changed during the Renaissance. In the Middle ages people were primarily concerned with serving the church and getting to heaven. The increase of in arts and education gave people something to look forward to, and a life to life worth living. Because of the increase of literacy people learned that the Catholic Church only told them what they wanted them to hear. This caused many to break away from the church and form Protestant religions. Many great minds were also produced in the Renaissance times. Leonardo da Vinci was one of these. Although he was not highly thought of in his time, he had many great works of art such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. He now is thought of as a great inventor also. He was given the credit of coming up with the helicopter. He also did autopsies to learn more about human anatomy. Another great man was a German monk, Martin Luther. He taught Biblical studies at the University of Wittenberg. Luthers beliefs challenged the church. Although many people agreed with his ideas, he was eventually excommunicated from the church and he started Protestantism. The Renaissance was a time of awakening for the world. A beginning to widespread knowledge and an end to ignorance. Creative minds every where were going to work and finally being appreciated for it. To many the Renaissance period was thought to be the end of the darkness.