Friday, April 17, 2020

My life experiences free essay sample

I think my learning experience start from the time when I was young. I live with my grandparents. My grandfather was a lieutenant colonel in Indonesian army, therefore, no surprised if I have similar daily activity like a soldier, full of rule and discipline but less in physical training. He uses is rules to build my attitudes and habit. Among thesse rules are, I should wake up at 6 am every morning including holiday otherwise he would throw a glass of water on my face. Also, I should keep my bedroom tidy, sweep the yard, watering the plant, keep my room clean every day before going to school. Moreover, I am only permitted to eat in dining room and never talk when eatiing, and many else. If I want to go out to play with my friends or wish to have extra money I must help to do something. The most important among all is that, I must study every night except weekends when I ususlly have permission to watch movies and TV. We will write a custom essay sample on My life experiences or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My grandfather always keep company with me whilest I study. My most memorable learning experience is when I work with him. Sometimes he took me out to the garden and we do a lot of work like trimming, cutting and culling to make plant thrive. By gardening I learned many things like we are not alone in this world, there are many other living thing and we should share with them. Gardening is about patience and cares towards your plant and espect to get more reward for your hard work. Beside that, I realize how hard it took a farmer to get money. I also have many conversations with my grandfather while we are working, and he usually tells me much about how to prepare my self to become real man. Among those that I remenber, he told me that I have to be responsible for everything that I am doing or want to do. He also said that I should be patient with life and never forget to pray, socialize, control my emotion, and avoid drug and unauthorise sex. I always enjoy being with him because he is a good model for me to learn his experience. Eventhough, sometimes he get angry with me when I do something wrong. My other experiences came when I was in senior high school. I felt many things in senior high school are part of good memories, bad memories, mistake, lessons, happiness, heartbreak, bad luck, and also fun as well. I learned many valuable lessons as I build friendship. I have many friends, most of them are my school mate and the others are students of Undiksa University. My friends from Undiksa took me out to his university. I act like student of that university, I use sport facility, entering the classroom and even their auditorium. In my senior high school I learned how to be part of something real while I join kecak dance. The main concept of kecak is teamwork. Kecak dancer must focus on his part but also have to make harmony with the other dancer. If one of those dancers fails, then the performance is going to be odd. I learned responsibility too, relating to how to accomplish assignments on deadlines and to be somewhere on time. Another moral value which I had from high school are value for hard work, dedication, and also how to communication with other in a polite way. That was all part of my great learning experiences that I ever had.

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